Kick-off Meeting & 1st transnational event in Dresden, 7.04 -10.04 2017

Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. is pleased to announce the unveiling of ‘You Are Welcome’ – or ‘WELCOME’ – a Europe for Citizens cross-disciplinary project through the Kick-off Meeting (7-10 April 2017). 

The project brings together ten participating organisations, drawn from across European civil society, to confront discrimination within Europe by involving Europeans, whether they may be fresh-faced newcomers or long-term residents, in participatory workshops, campaigns, public performances and collaborative dialogue.

Consequently, WELCOME is not just one project, nor is it even confined to merely a single location; instead, each participating institution will be charged with fostering dialogue and active participation within their own community.

Furthermore, the knowledge gained through providing workshops, and any related activities, will then be fashioned into a convenient guidebook for institutions, featuring research-led approaches to help tackle discrimination and stigmatisation, to help provide solutions for any organisations wishing to foster dialogue even when confronted with conventional barriers to communication.


Following the conclusion of our meeting, and the official launch of our project; we then treated our guests to the event “Voices & Images of a New Land” which sought to celebrate the exceptional contributions of Dresden’s newest inhabitants. This included the art exhibition “Fragments of Memories” with artworks by artists from Germany, Syria and Bulgaria, and the eclectic joint symphony “Orient meets Occident” from Natalia Bukhtiarova from Ukraine and Obeid Alyousef from Syria.

The short films “Voices & Images of a New Land ” and “My Right is Your Right” were projected and finally the documentary film screening “Dresden Refuge” moved the guests with life stories of German people who experienced migration after WWII and of refugees and migrants that arrived recently in Dresden. The event “Voices & Images of a New Land” inaugurated the beginning of the “Welcome” project!